With input from experts in paediatric biomechanics, Geckos can be used to treat a wide range of clinical problems in the paediatric population.

Gecko Orthotics - Side view

Geckos are designed with the hypermobile flat foot and other developmental issues in mind. Most clinics will stock a full size run and replace stock as required. You can also download the sizing chart as a guide.

Geckos must be fitted by a health professional in the same manner as custom foot orthotics. Adjustments and reviews should be provided as clinically indicated.

  • Geckos are made from materials that will conform to accommodate feet of different widths.

  • Good lace up shoes work well with Geckos to improve outcomes.

  • Geckos are easy to grind or wedge if necessary.

  • Gecko materials are heat mouldable with gentle heat application.

If you’re a podiatrist, paediatric physiotherapist or other health practitioner working with children, click here to order.


Queensland Orthotic Laboratory
8 Veronica Street
Ph: (07) 3823 1531

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